Friday, March 15, 2013

And so it begins

I have found that some of the most encouraging things to hear as a mother are the ups and downs involved in the lives of other Mommys. Often in the middle of the most crazy moments I can stop and consider the fact that while I am currently alone, I am not alone. There are millions of other warrior Mommys wiping noses and handling tantrums and trying to stay afloat and love their kids the best they can. My year has brought a lot of challenges that required the building of more backbone than I can ever had in the past. I have muddled through laughing and crying with my Hubby and my two little ones at my sides and the Lord holding us up. My life is nothing fancy or new. I am not a revolutionary or a visionary. I am just a regular, far from perfect Mommy who thinks she may have something to offer. I invite you along to journey with me through ideas and projects, life events and funny stories, and crafts and creations that make up my life. While it is pretty simple, it is the greatest adventure I have known.