Three weeks ago we were pretty stuck. We knew that we didn't have the money for a new car, or another car payment. We knew that cars typically don't just pop up out of nowhere. We knew that we couldn't bring the kids into our home without a car that could seat everyone safely. We had several members of our church who stepped up and put the word out about what we were trying to do and everyone hoped with us and everyone prayed. We have been completely blessed beyond measure by the support our friends, and family, and even occasional strangers have given us.
That being said even with a huge outpouring of support we had raised about 690 dollars. Then two weeks ago I was told that the parents of one of my students was selling a 2004 Ford Explorer that seats seven. I decided to give her a call and she forwarded me the information. They were selling the car for 9000 dollars but would be willing to pass it to us for 8000. It was a really great deal. All of the things we had prayed for. A reliable car, 10 years old or less, less than 90,000 miles, it even has the four wheel drive. The only problem was that even though it was a great car and a great deal...
we still didn't have 8000 dollars.

The next night I was sitting in my room when my phone rang again. It was Darlene.
"Hey Christy." She said "My husband and I talked it over and we were just wondering how much you have raised so far?"
I told her about the fundly site and that we had raised 690 dollars. "That could be our down payment." I said.
She paused for a minute and then said "You know what, you can have it for that."
I honestly didn't even register what she was saying at first. I thought maybe she was agreeing to a payment plan and I had to ask her to repeat herself.
"You can have it." She said again. "We want to give it to you. Us doing this is nothing compared to what you need it for. I don't want it to be weird or awkward and once you have it I don't want you to feel like you ever have to mention it again. We want to do this."
I was so speechless. I think I mumbled a thank you and an I don't even know what to say. We made arrangements to meet up and sign paperwork and then that was that.
I am a crier by nature. It doesn't take much to make me well up but in this situation I was beyond tears to the point of stunned giddy giggles. Had we just been given a car for 690 dollars? I was so stuck in my "little faith" that I couldn't even write a praise report until all of the papers were signed.
I have this whole time with my mouth said "God can do this. God will do this." and yet obviously by my complete confusion and wonder at the reality wasn't really taking those words to heart. My God is so big, he can heal the sick, he can provide shelter for the homeless, he can repair broken relationships and even so he cares in all of that about a car. He cares among a billion people about these two little lost children who honestly have had more backs turned on them and homes ripped out from under them than any two and four year old ever should. Or any person for that matter. He is their Daddy eternally and he has given them a car which means so much more then a car. It means a home that will always be open to them. A door that wont be shut behind them. I am praising him in a monumentally huge way because he is so big and yet cares so deeply for those so small. I can't wait until the day that these two can understand the miracle of the van and what it means for them.
When we started on this journey only three short months ago we prayed and decided that we would just keep walking forward unless God shut the door. This feels like he has unlocked and blown open a whole hallway of doors and we are happy to go through knowing full well that he has the plans in hand.
The trials are far from over. We know that foster care his many trips and falls along the way and that it's easy to get tied up in red tape and court dates, and appeals. We even know that while we love these two little ones already God may still have a different plan for their family than for them to stay with us. As heartbreaking as it would be on our end He could work wonders in the lives of their parents and reunite this family. What an amazing miracle that would be to witness! I don't know what the next year, months, or even tomorrow will bring but even with so many unknowns we can walk with certainty knowing that our God is with us. Who can be against us?