Monday, March 3, 2014

A mini van as a part of God's plan

Sometimes God just needs a little bit of faith and a willingness to move forward. With that he can do greater things than we could dare to ask or imagine. My family and I are currently engaged in an act of faith that is testing on may levels.
Around Christmas time our family became aware of two little ones who need a home. Since then we have been doing all that we can to become that safe and stable home and family. However, the biggest test of faith has not come from the mountains of paper work, the emotional stress, or the steady ever presence of a foster care agency in our lives and home. We trust him with our family and our future and we know we aren't walking this alone. Nor is it in that God loves these two kids more than we ever will and has a loving plan for their lives. No. We know our God is in this and we trust him with those big things. The real issue of faith has come in our search for a mini van.
Back in August my husband Robin and I purchased a new car with financing. We have been married five years and in that five years have had five cars come and go. We decided that it was time to buy something that would last us for many years and wouldn't cost us more to maintain than the car itself. We started as a lease back in 2011 and switched to a purchase plan in August of this past year. All things considered we were very happy with this decision and it's been a great car thus far.
Then December came and all of a sudden we were faced with a big need. Two kids without a home. They have been temporarily placed with a wonderful family in our church but are awaiting a permanent place to stay. We prayed and talked and considered and came to the conclusion that God wanted us to move on this. To walk forward and that he would be with us through the journey wherever that journey may lead. We began taking the necessary classes and assembling the paperwork needed to become certified foster parents. We've painted, built walls, and prepped rooms as we get our home ready for two new arrivals. We have been moving forward in almost every conceivable way except...
The car.
The great car that we purchased not six months ago is now not a viable option. It's too small.
Now we are weeks away from the end of our certification courses and the chance to bring these kids home but this stumbling block still stands in our way.
We have had a friend offer to let us use their van in the meantime but very shortly after their offer the van met its end. I have been trolling craigslist and speaking with dealerships hoping that someone will be willing to work with us but nothing yet. Who wants to give new financing to a person who literally just bought their car and is not even close to paying it off yet?
I have started to feel discouraged and decided to do a widespread post to ask for prayer. That is when I realized where my heart was.
A few friends suggested fund raising and so I decided that was the way to go. I spoke with a friend who has done this sort of support raising before and she asked,
"Well what are you looking for?"
I told her we needed a van big enough to transport four kids. I said, "I would like it to be a reliable newer car since we just put money into a reliable car but you know...If it's something that lasts us a year or two we will go from there."
Her response was, "Why would you put a limit like that on God?"
I was a little bit confused. I didn't feel like I was limiting God. I felt like I was asking for something reasonable that would be sufficient for the time being.
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I mean that the my God made the heavens and the earth. He created and formed you AND these two kids so you think it's unreasonable to ask him to help you complete his work in a van that wont break down every week? I don't think that's too hard for him at all."
I mulled this over a bit. I mean, she was right. Maybe God would place us in a "time being" car and that would be great. But why would I set limitations on the God who created this situation and is bringing it all about to his glory?
She asked me again "What are you looking for?"
I thought about it and responded, "A reliable van that will last us at least five years...and maybe has four wheel drive so we can get up the back driveway and down without getting stuck."
"Ok" She said "That's what I'm praying for and that's what God can do."
That conversation is why we began our fund raising site and why we have set the goal where we have. Maybe we wont reach it and maybe God has something else in mind entirely but I don't think I need to put my ideas and limitations of what I think God can do on my limitless and all powerful God.
The response has been tremendous. People from all over are praying for us and sharing our story. We have now started a fund raising site to help bring money in and hopefully bring these kids home soon. I'll include the link on this page as well as add a button to the blog site page. Thank you for your shares and prayers. It's amazing to know so many voices are being lifted up on our behalf.

To make a donation or support our fundraising site click

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