Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sous Chefs: Gnocchi

I don't usually post recipes but the kids and I had some much fun with this one I had to share. My favorite food to this day is Gnocchi (italian potato pasta). Not just any Gnocchi, home made gnocchi. The delicious and satisfying dumpling like pasta never fails to put a smile on my face and fill my stomach. Growing up it was my choice for every birthday meal. My Mom is an expert Gnocchi maker and I have used her recipe for years. Yesterday, faced with three extra peeled potatoes, I decided to try a few variations. Here is the recipe I came up with by mixing and tweaking the many available out there.

Kosher salt

3 peeled potatos

3 to 4 large egg yolks

1/2 cup  Parmesan cheese (freshly grated is best but I didn't have any on hand yesterday)

1/4 teaspoon  nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon salt

minced basil to taste

a few sprinkles of oragano

1/4 teaspoon black pepper (I used freshly ground but you don't have to)

1 cup all-purpose flour (and a bit more for dusting the pasta and flouring the table top)

1. Pre-heat oven to 425. Cut the potatoes into quarters. (my sous chef Beanie helped with this part) Spread a layer of salt over a baking sheet and bake for 20-30 minutes until soft.

2. Grate potatoes with a hand grater or food mill if you have one available.

3. Pile potatoes in a mound with a hole in the middle. Add all ingredients aside from flour. Use your hands to gently mix the ingredients try to avoid kneading.

4. Add flour a bit at a time mixing in between. You may need slightly more or less flour depending on the size of your potatoes. 

Dough is ready when you can roll it between your fingers and it stays in an oval shape without breaking apart or sticking drastically to your hands.

5. Divide the dough into 5 or six parts and roll out into what my sous chef Belle would call a snake. (about half inch in diameter) Then cut the "snakes" into small half inch to inch pieces. 

When you are finished they should look something like these.

Unless your sous chef is Belle. They they'll look like this.

6. Boil some water. When it reaches a rolling boil put the gnocchi in. Let boil for a minute and a half after gnocchi have begun to float. 

7. Drain and serve with your favorite marinara sauce or pesto. (mine is my grandma's recipe but I have to get permission before I publish that!)

Nothing will ever compare to those wonderful Sunday afternoons eating gnocchi at our big dining room table where everyone is talking and laughing at once. But this recipe seemed like a winner when my very picky son exclaimed...

 Yes! I actually DO want some more!!

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